Documentary photography Francesca Alviani


Ich bin Francesca Alviani.

Ich bin ein Visual Storyteller und Dokumentarfotografin aus Italien. Heute lebe ich in München und nutze meine Kamera, um authentische, lebendige Momente einzufangen und die Geschichten meiner Kunden auf einzigartige Weise zu erzählen.

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Family documentary photography Francesca Alviani


Documentary photography

No studio, no staging, no frilly outfits - just you and your loved ones.

During our documentary shooting you just live life with your family, while I document it for you.

Create indelible memories


Documentary photography

Awkward posing in the studio? Not for you. You deserve to show your professionality while staying authentic and true to yourself.

With documentary photos your clients get a glimpse of your business’s true values and the real you.

Capture your true self
Newborn dad documentary photography Francesca Alviani
Business documentary photography Francesca Alviani
Motherhood documentary photography Francesca Alviani
Branding documentary photography Francesca Alviani
Newborn documentary photography Francesca Alviani

Capturing life’s stories is what keeps me going

In my opinion, no one needs lifeless, staged photos that look like everyone else’s.

You are special. Your family is special and so is your business. So, in my shootings I want you to shine just the way you are.

You want to make and keep memories with your loved ones? You need pictures for your personal brand that feel true to you? In a stress-free environment while having fun?

Francesca gifted us with some beautiful pictures of our family!

It's been a wonderful experience to have her as our family photographer for one day and she has followed us during the day to capture different moments of our family life. She is definitely a great photographer, super easy to have around and the result is amazing. We highly recommend her for any family documentary photoshooting.

by Martina B. & Umberto

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Francescas Schnappschüsse

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Plus: Ihr müsst nicht in München wohnen! Ich reise gerne und häufig und halte euch darüber auf dem Laufenden, wenn ich in eurer Nähe bin. 

Dokumentarische Fotografin und Visual Storytelling. München & wo du mich brauchst.

Francescas Schnappschüsse

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Nichts verpassen!

Ich bin Francesca Alviani, visuelle Geschichtenerzählerin und dokumentarische Fotografin mit Sitz in München. Spezialisiert auf Familie, Neugeborene, Schwangerschaft und Branding, fange ich euren Geschichten aus dem wahren Leben ein.
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